L’Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali del CNR è un Istituto interdisciplinare di ricerca che svolge studi su tematiche demografiche e migratorie, sui sistemi di welfare e sulle politiche sociali, sulla politica della scienza della tecnologia e dell’alta formazione, sui rapporti tra scienza e società, sulla creazione, l’accesso e la diffusione della conoscenza e delle tecnologie dell’informazione.
The Research Institute on Population and Social Policies is an interdisciplinary research institute which carries out studies on demographic and migration issues, on welfare systems and social policies, on science, technology and higher education policy, on the relationships between science and society, on the creation, access and dissemination of knowledge and information technologies.
L’attività scientifica spazia sia nel campo della ricerca di base, con studi e riflessioni teoriche sui diversi aspetti della complessità sociale e delle sue istituzioni, sia nel campo della ricerca applicata, con indagini originali, il monitoraggio delle politiche realizzate e proposte per il futuro. In entrambi i casi, le attività sono inserite in molteplici network scientifici e sociali nazionali, europei e internazionali,
Nell’ambito di queste molteplici attività, l’istituto si è venuto ritagliando un posto di primo piano per il monitoraggio e l’implementazione della Strategia europea di inclusione dei Rom e Sinti, sia come consulente dell’Ufficio Nazionali Antidiscriminazioni Razziali (UNAR), che è il punto nazionale di contatto per la Strategia, sia come coordinatore di progetti europei per l‘inclusione dei Rom e Sinti per i programmi REC e CERV.
Per il progetto REGARD il team è così composto:
Sandro Turcio (Coordinatore del progetto)
Enrico Mascilli Migliorini (Ricercatore)
Ivonne Citarella (Administrative staff)
Natascia Rinaldi (Technical staff)

The CNR’s Institute for Research on Population and Social Policy is an interdisciplinary research institute that conducts studies on demographic and migration issues, welfare systems and social policies, the politics of science of technology and higher education, the relationship between science and society, and the creation, access and dissemination of knowledge and information technologies.
Scientific activity ranges both in the field of basic research, with studies and theoretical reflections on different aspects of social complexity and its institutions and in the field of applied research, with original investigations, the monitoring of implemented policies and proposals for the future. In both cases, activities are embedded in multiple national, European and international scientific and social networks, participating in several international project as coordinator or partner.
As part of these multiple activities, the institute has carved out a prominent place for itself in the monitoring and implementation of the European Strategy for Roma and Sinti Inclusion. It works as a consultant to the National Anti-Racial Discrimination Office (UNAR), which is the national point of contact for the Strategy, and as coordinator of European projects for Roma and Sinti inclusion for the REC and CERV programmes.
For the REGARD project, the team is composed as follows:

    • Sandro Turcio (Project coordinator)
    • Enrico Mascilli Migliorini (Researcher)
    • Ivonne Citarella (Administrative staff)
    • Natascia Rinaldi (Technical staff)

(abbreviated: SRRH “KALI SARA”) is a non-governmental organization continuing the long-standing tradition of the Association for Promotion of Roma Education in the Republic of Croatia (UZOR) “KALI SARA”. It is one of the most active Romani organizations, covering the whole country and bringing together the greatest number of Roma members.
SRRH “KALI SARA” was founded in July 2007. Its founder and the first president was Veljko Kajtazi, today a member of the Croatian parliament, representing twelve national minorities. As the awareness of the need for general education and self-improvement was also developing, at the end of 2015, in coordination with legitimate Roma representatives of the Roma National Minority Councils and numerous Roma associations, it grew into the largest and the strongest Croatian Romani organization – Croatian Romani Union “KALI SARA”.
The SRRH „KALI SARA“ membership is constantly increasing, as well as the number and scope of its activities, which today covers entire Croatia. SRRH “KALI SARA” is the initiator and a regular participant in important domestic and international events, the main partner of the jointly organized and coordinated actions aimed at protecting and promoting national, cultural, social, legal, and all other interests of the Roma national minority in Croatia, with special emphasis on continuous promotion of Romani education.
Presently, SRRH ”KALI SARA” manages Roma Memorial Center Uštica, at the authentic location of the largest concentration camp for Roma in this part of Europe, Central Roma Library in the heart of Zagreb, a place of learining and research in Romani history and literature, Roma Educational and Cultural Center that organizes different educational workshops, literary evenings and presentations, exhibitions and various cultural programs.

(skraćeno: SRRH “KALI SARA”) je nevladina udruga koja nastavlja dugogodišnju tradiciju Udruge za promicanje obrazovanja Roma u Republici Hrvatskoj (UZOR) “KALI SARA”. Jedna je od najaktivnijih romskih organizacija koja pokriva cijelu zemlju i okuplja najveći broj romskih članova.
SRRH “KALI SARA” osnovana je u srpnju 2007. godine. Osnivač i prvi predsjednik bio je Veljko Kajtazi, danas zastupnik dvanaest nacionalnih manjina u Hrvatskom saboru. Kako se razvijala svijest o potrebi općeg obrazovanja i samo usavršavanja, krajem 2015. godine, u suradnji s legitimnim romskim predstavnicima Vijeća romske nacionalne manjine i brojnim romskim udrugama, udruga prerasta u najveću i najjaču hrvatsku romsku organizaciju – Savez Roma u Republici Hrvatskoj “KALI SARA”.
Članstvo SRRH „KALI SARA“ u stalnom je porastu, kao i broj te opseg djelovanja koje danas pokriva cijelu Hrvatsku. SRRH “KALI SARA” je pokretač i redoviti sudionik važnih domaćih i međunarodnih događanja, glavni partner zajednički organiziranih i koordiniranih akcija usmjerenih na zaštitu i promicanje nacionalnih, kulturnih, socijalnih, pravnih i svih drugih interesa romske nacionalne manjine u Hrvatskoj, s posebnim naglaskom na kontinuirano promicanje obrazovanja Roma.
Trenutno SRRH ”KALI SARA” upravlja Romskim memorijalnim centrom Uštica, izgrađenim na autentičnoj lokaciji najvećeg koncentracijskog logora za Rome u ovom dijelu Europe, Središnjom knjižnicom Roma, otvorenom u srcu Zagreba, mjestom učenja i istraživanja romske povijesti i književnosti te Romskim edukacijsko-kulturnim centrom koji organizira različite edukativne radionice, književne večeri i prezentacije, izložbe te različite kulturne programe.